
“We appreciate the loving care your staff gave our beloved mother. We had no complaints while she was under your care. It is obvious that what you do comes from the heart. May God Bless every staff member.”
The F. Family
“I want to thank everyone at Heritage Manor West for all their love and support. My daughter brought me home from Houston Texas where the doctors were saying I was going to die. They put me on Hospice due to being so sick. I came to Heritage Manor West, and I started to recover. They gave me such love and support; just what I needed. I knew it wasn’t my time to pass, that God had a plan for me. I thank God each day for the blessings he has given me. I not only got better but now I am employed at Heritage Manor West.”
Billy B.
“I thank God that I am still alive today, I did not think I would still be here. I have missed out on death 2 other times. I thank Heritage Manor West for the loving support they gave me. I weighed 72 pounds when I came to here. I prayed daily for God to remove all the sickness that I had. God put a special lady in my life, Mrs. Janie (who was my nurse). She took special care of all my needs. I started gaining weight, now up to 110 pounds. I started feeling much better and attended church services. My sickness is gone and now I am able to do the things I haven’t been able to do. I had 3 different Nursing homes that turned me down. I love being here at Heritage Manor West, I am the president of the Resident Council. I want to give back to everyone who has helped me get well.”
Roosevelt B.,
President of Resident Council